Div> You everyone, d3 here from Bright Ideas getting calm. Just a quick shout out to all of you last night that were on the cub chat on Twitter. Hello! We had a great conversation about conservation and Earth Day. So, if you aren't a part of that at first, I'll encourage you to join Twitter and look up the hashtag cub chat. Take a look at the last thing we had, a lot of great resources for those of us that were out there talking about conservation and how to teach Leave No Trace to the kids. You can find me at Bright Idea. Also, take a look at the Cub Scout and a bunch of others like them, follow them on Twitter and just keep the conversation. We have that conversation every Wednesday night at 7 p.m. central time and it's just great to see and get all your resources from people around the country and what they've been doing. But the question came in the other day, and that question is, what is Wood Badge? Hey, that's a great question, Gene. So, what is Wood Badge? Wood Badge is sort of the premier training for leadership for the adult Scouters. So, if you are a Cub Scout leader, Boy Scout leader, or Venturing Crew advisor, this is for you. Honestly, it's not really promoted heavily in the Cub Scout ranks. A lot of times as Cub Scout leaders, with your committee chair, den leader, and cub master, we're so busy with what we're doing, we generally don't take time for ourselves and work on our leadership skills, networking skills, presentation skills, and so on. So, a lot of times in these courses, when I took this course two years ago, there were about 30 of us in there. I...
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Wood badge diversity presentation Form: What You Should Know
Venturing Leaders Board of Advisors, and adult volunteer leaders take the course. Wood Badge also provides a framework for the BSA's advancement programs and allows Boy Scouts leaders to take leadership courses that are aligned with the BSA. The course consists of 5 modules which are available as standalone courses, an integrated program course that includes the 5 modules, and a special “Special Event Edition,” available for special events. Wood Badge Special Edition Wood Badge | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wood Badge was a pretty long time ago, but I have a pretty good idea of what it was like and how people were doing. The most interesting comment about Wood Badge that I read from someone online: “I love the fact that we've got a 'backwards' logo. That's very important for people to know.” I can see how that would be a concern. Wood Badge is not the only BSA program of its kind. A number of programs, many run by BSA staff have their own identity, logos and badges. I have heard people say, “This is the same as Wood Badge.” However, to date, I have only read one comment that referenced Wood Badge. It was on the Girl Scout Association of North America website. It was written by an author who was upset because a boy with his dad was trying to teach his two young daughters about Wood Badge. The author had been trying to talk to the father with some sort of request, but the father was rude to the author and basically dismissed her concerns. In another comment that I was able to see, someone complained about the fact that Wood Badge is in use on the Girl Scouts website. That's right -- the Girl Scouts have their own, and very different, official logo and badge. I've read the official Girl Scout logo and badge, and it's quite different from the BSA logo and badge I've seen from various other websites.
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