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Wood badge training 2025 Form: What You Should Know

Wood Badge 2019— Green Mountain Council Campout — C7-456-19 — Campout — C7-456-19 Campout is a four-week-long experience designed to help you understand where you are today and where you hope to be tomorrow. Wood Badge 2025 — Green Mountain Council Wood Badge is a 4-day course which, if completed, will award you three badges. Wood Badge 2019— Green Mountain Council Tues, Apr 6— Campout — Green Mountain Council Campout is a two-week camping event. The objective of the experience is to learn by doing. Wood Badge 2025 — Green Mountain Council Worried about spending too long out in the field? Camping provides two days of intense outdoor activities. Wood Badge 2025 — Green Mountain Council Wood Badge is the annual Scout-led Campout designed to educate adults and youth on life's issues. Wood Badge 2025 — Green Mountain Council Wood Badge is part of the Green Mountain Council's Campout program. It is a two-day event.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Wood badge training 2025

Instructions and Help about Wood badge training 2025

Dunno. It does see, I wasn't drinking. Do it ready? I am right here, all right? You notice this accent? Logs sitting here. I'm going to explain that right away. The axe represents service, and I'll tell you why. The man who founded scouting, Baden-Powell, he was a big believer in the Knights of the Round Table, you know, Robin Hood, the days of chivalry and all that. Well, back then, you were allowed to carry an axe. Most people were just commoners and we weren't allowed to carry an axe. And you had to earn the right to carry an axe because all the trees belonged to the king and the lords of the land. You weren't allowed to cut down the trees, all you could do is go around and pick up what had already fallen. Now, you could imagine how difficult that was back then because there was no electricity, there was no gas or dunno. The only thing you had to cook on or heat with was wood, and you had to gather it from the floor of the forest. Imagine that if you couldn't carry an axe. Well, in order to have the right to carry an axe, you did special favors for the king or for the landowner or whatever, and you were able to do that. So, this represents community service going way back, going back hundreds of years, and it's the totem for the wood bench, of course, that I'm about to talk about. Sometimes it rolls right off the table, sometimes it stays. I now declare this court of honor for the purpose of presenting and awarding badges to Michael. Gets, and let me tell you a little bit about a patch. You guys might have heard of my LT. Anybody...